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Create new pet Step 1 of 2

This step will take around 2 minutes

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What type of pet? *
What gender is your pet?
When is your pet’s birthdate?

Behavior & Health

Lets learn more about your pet’s behavior & health. This information will help keep your pet safe in the event he/she get lost.

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Who does your pet get along well with?
Who does your pet NOT get along with?
Is your pet spayed or neutered?


Providing your vet’s information can help if your lost pet is found and in need of medical care.

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Upload pet photo

Photos should be standard format jpg, png & less than 15mb in size.

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Privacy Guarantee
The contact information entered will only be used to help return your lost pet. We will never share your information with any 3rd party. You may add, edit, delete, hide, or unhide any pet or contact information you enter at any time.

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Would you like to add an additional contact?

Including your address allows the finder to see where your lost pet lives and aids in the return of your pet. You can leave this field blank if you do not want to share your address.

Edit photos:

Upload pet photo

Photos should be standard format jpg, png & less than 15mb in size.

Are you sure you want to permanently delete {petName}’s pet profile? This will also deactivate all pet ID tags assigned to {petName}. These tags will no longer function.

This cannot be undone

Are you sure want to delete tag?

Lost Pet Process

  1. Your pet goes missing.
  2. Someone finds your lost pet and scans the tag’s QR code.
  3. Your pet’s profile page loads with your contact and pet info.
  4. You are notified of the scan and GPS location via SMS text and email.a
  5. The finder calls or texts to coordinate reunited you with your lost pet.

If your pet is missing, anyone who finds your lost pet can simply scan the QR code on the back of your pet’s tag with their smartphone. This loads your pet’s online profile which contains your contact info (entered below), and your pet’s info (from the previous step). You will immediately receive an SMS text & email notifying you of the scan and their GPS location (if the finder opts-in). The finder will use your contact information from your pet’s profile to call or text you. They can even choose to share their contact info, which we will SMS and email to you.

Crop pet photo

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